What is Working?
Our what is working sessions feature current programs and supports available to help people to be successful in their employment journey – for all staff in all roles.
Incorporating LBS with Literacy Link South Central – November 6, 2024
On November 6, the Employment Sector Council hosted a Wednesdays @ 1 virtual event featuring Tamara Kaattari, Co-Executive Director of Literacy Link South Central. Tamara and her colleagues across Ontario presented best practices for integrating Literacy & Basic Skills (LBS) with employment services. LBS programs help adults build essential communication, numeracy, and digital skills, supporting transitions to employment, further education, or greater independence. Participants learned strategies to better support clients facing barriers to learning and employment.
Discovering the Future of Career Development – September 18, 2024
Participants had the opportunity to learn about the exciting changes and new direction for the Career Development Community at local, provincial, and national levels. CDPOntario connected with frontline workers, managers, service providers, and employers to introduce the new Professional Association and increase awareness of changes for current Certified Career Development Professionals, as well as those considering national certification. Attendees heard about CDPOntario’s plans for supporting the industry and the benefits of joining this inclusive, Ontario-wide community of practice. The session encouraged participants to share their questions and ideas, emphasizing that the Association is built around their needs for success in their work.
First Experiences with the IES Case Management System – January 31, 2024
The Employment Sector Council held an experience sharing webinar for member agencies on first experiences with the Integrated Employment Services Case Management System (IES CaMS). The session was intended to provide a peer to peer question-and-answer platform for participants to share their first impressions, challenges, and opportunities on using the IES CaMS to better serve job seekers. You can access the recording of the full session below.