Job Developers Network (JDN)

A forum for job developers, and those in similar roles, from ESC community employment organizations to meet, discuss, share information and opportunities, problem-solve issues, and strategize solutions that promote collaborative service delivery to job seekers and employers.

The JDN aims to be the first point of contact for both employers with hiring needs across Southwestern Ontario, recognizing that service delivery is more effective through collaboration between employment service providers, rather than competition.

If your company is recruiting, hiring, and/or seeking training supports for your current and potential employees, contact us, or 519-663-0774 ext. 308 for information about the JDN’s professional, no-fee services.

If you prefer to connect with a community organization directly, please click here for your Community Employment Organizations and Resources list.

Contact: Kayla B
Phone: 519.663.0774 ext. 308
Fax: 519.663.5377