Our Members

ESC members promote quality and excellent standards in service excellence to ensure satisfaction and consistency in service regardless of point of access: for newcomers, immigrants, youth, indigenous peoples, older workers, people with disabilities, Francophones, urban and rural populations, among others in the general population, as well as the thousands of local businesses seeking to connect with these talents and skills.

ESC members work together to address the “whole person” in client service. Our integrated network and cross-agency referrals provide clients with choice, respect, and individual need-based service.

We represent decades of experience and are well-known for our commitment to excellence and innovation.

ESC Member organizations offer high quality, professional service and assistance.  

Not sure which organization is right for you? Contact the ESC Project Team through info@esc.network


Current Members

ATN Access

Centre for Employment & Learning

College Boreal

Community Employment Choices

Community Employment Services - Oxford County

Community Living London

Community Living Tillsonburg

Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board

Employment Services Elgin

Employment Solutions

Community Employment Services - Fanshawe

Career and Employment Services (St. Thomas/Aylmer) - Fanshawe

Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes

Human Services, Oxford County

Hutton House

Leads Employment Services

Literacy Link South Central

LiUNA Local 1059

London Small Business Centre

London Cross Cultural Learner Centre

London Economic Development Corporation

London Training Centre

Middlesex County Library

Multi Service Centre - Tillsonburg

Nokee Kwe

Over 55 Skills at Work

Pathways Employment Help Centre

Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses - LHSC

St. Patrick Adult & Continuing Education

Stepping Stones Support Services Program

Careers & Experience - University of Western Ontario

WILL Employment Solutions

YMCA of Southwestern Ontario

Youth Opportunities Unlimited