Labour Market Plan


Labour Market Plan

The Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board (WPDB) shares its draft version of our region’s “Local Labour Market Plan 2022-2023,” which contains local labour market trends and resulting action plans for next fiscal year and invites all employment sector professionals to review together.

This Local Labour Market Plan analyses local data from the Labour Force Survey, the Canadian Business Counts, the experimental estimates of business openings and closures by Statistics Canada, the Employment Ontario employment services report, and from job postings on the Local Jobs Hub.

In addition, community conversations have been held across the London Economic Region including surrounding counties, to determine short-term (one year ahead) needed action.

Emilian Siman, Senior Data Analyst (WPDB) discusses major trends in the local labour market during 2020-2021 and shares the suggested actions by our community. This ESC recovery conversation aims to inform the final version of the document, to be released in January 2022.

Please contact: Carol Stewart, ESC Project Manager: for more information.