Past Workshops

Ontario Social Benefits in 2022 – Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Learn more about changes to social benefits, assistance & eligibility requirements, in the wake of the pandemic, and discuss what these mean for our clients.

LinkedIn Learning

Get signed up with your own free professional LinkedIn Learning license and find out all the ways you can access and apply over 16,000 micro-credential courses.

The Canadian Apprenticeship Service

Learn about this new grant program that provides employers with up to $10,000 to hire up to two apprentices per fiscal year. 

CNIB Virtual Reality Interview Practice Tool – September 28, 2022

Learn more about a new virtual reality interview practice tool and app for people living with visual impairment and/or other disability.

Jobs Ability Canada – October 26, 2022

Join us to find out more about Jobs Ability Canada, a new job search platform designed by and for people with disabilities to showcase their skills and abilities. 

The Community Counselling Centre of London – November 09, 2022

The Community Counselling Centre of London provides affordable counselling services to people who need it within the London area as well as in Exeter and South Huron. Learn more about this important new service – who they are, what services they provide, and how to refer your clients.

Disclosure and Job Search – December 07, 2022

For employment specialists working with job seekers with disabilities who wish to learn about disclosure, accommodations and best practices.

Adult Literacy Programs: Your Partner in Employment Success – December 14, 2022




Set your clients up for success! Learn how literacy and employment programs can work together to effectively meet the needs of job seekers.


LinkedIn Recruiter – November 17, 2021

Get your free Recruiter License and learn how to use Recruiter to find employers, connect them to job seekers, and tools to retain their workers. 

Inclusive Economy London – December 01, 2021

Creating a strong culture of community benefits is encouraging traditional businesses to develop innovative solutions to their employment needs, encouraging collaboration between employment sector organizations and business, and supporting the diverse needs of the community. 

LinkedIn Talent Insights – November 24, 2021

Learn how LInkedIn Insights generates useful labour market information to help you plan your programs, target clients, and respond quickly to sector needs.

Using EmployerOne Data – December 08, 2021

Our region’s annual Employer One Survey provides us with vital data about our business sector’s trends, challenges, and opportunities – and now it’s interactive! Make it work for you. 

Local Labour Market Plan

What WPDB learned from Oxford County, London/Middlesex County, and St. Thomas/Elgin County about our labour market and what we plan to do with that information.

LEDC: Role, Resources, and Perspective – November 23, 2022

A brief overview of the LEDC services as an economic development agency and the key resources for job seekers and employers.

Wednesdays at One: ESC Recovery Conversations are a partnership between Employment Sector Council and Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning & Development Board, and are supported by the City of London.